Monday, August 12, 2013

We basically decided to change the whole look of our blog and change a few things in our posts.
We both think the look is going to stay this way for a while, unless it looks really, really bad... (We think it looks good, what do you think?)

Basically what we changed in the past few days was this:
1. Instead of categories in the right sidebar, they are now in a row on top. This will hopefully make it easier for you to find things.
2. We messed around a little with just the layout and how all the widgets look in the sidebars.
3. We added some more to the about me section of our blog.
4. We decided to start using those jump breaks, so now, if you want to read more in a review, you can just click 'Click here to read more ^_^'
5. We changed the background and header to our blog, so it will hopefully look better and maybe even load faster.
Update: We also added a blog button! Yay! It took us a while (we're not all that great at doing stuff like this ^^;), but it's up!

That's basically all we changed and we hope you like the changes. Thanks for reading!

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